CITATION:For all resources provided on the website ('Downloads' and 'Tools' pages), including the Personal Genome Constructor, personal genomes, transcriptomes and AlleleSeq tool, please cite:
Rozowsky J. et al. AlleleSeq: analysis of allele-specific expression and bin
ding in a network framework. Mol Syst Biol. 2011.
- Personal Genome Constructor (vcf2diploid tool)
- AlleleSeq pipeline
- Allele Visualizer
- read depth input generator using CNVnator
This is a zipped folder that contains C++ scripts and a wrapper shell script that help to convert ROOT output from CNVnator to input format required by AlleleSeq.
Updated Pipelines:
- AlleleDB
Chen et al. Nat Commun (2016)
- AlleleSeq2
Rozowsky et al. Cell (2023)